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St Francis' College - Atonement Workshop

  • St Francis College (Old Bishopsbourne) 233 Milton Rd Milton Qld 4064 Australia (map)

Join with a number of others from diverse backgrounds and theological positions for an Atonement Workshop with the Revd Dr Anne van Gend (Ministry Enabler for the Diocese of Dunedin, NZ)

Theories of the ‘atonement’ excite all sorts of responses. This seminar with an expert on atonement theories will allow you to measure more clearly the benefits and drawbacks of various theories.

10.00 Rethinking atonement and Good News.
10.45 Groupwork
11.00 Break
11.30 Rethinking sacrificial atonement
12.15 Discussion
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Rethinking victorious atonement
2.10 Identity and homecoming.
2.40 Groups
3.00 Afternoon tea
3.20 Theosis and the question of salvation
4.00 Discussion, feedback, last comments, close.

Tickets $40. Please register via Eventbrite.